Nanoleaf Methods

All of the following methods can be called with the Nanoleaf object you created.

For more information about the Nanoleaf API:

For more in-depth documentation about this package visit:

User Management

generate_auth_token()     # Generates new authentication token (hold power for 5-7 before running)
delete_user(auth_token)   # Deletes an authentication token from the device


get_power()               # Returns True if lights are on, otherwise False
power_off()               # Powers off the lights
power_on()                # Powers on the lights
toggle_power()            # Toggles light on/off


Colours are generated using HSV (or HSB) in the API, and these individual values can be adjusted using methods which are as described, hue, brightness and saturation. The method in this section uses RGB (0-255) and converts this to HSV.

There are already some pre-set colours which can be imported to be used with the set_color() method:


The set_color() method can then be called, passing in either a pre-set colour or your own RGB colour in the form of a tuple: (r, g, b).

set_color((r, g, b))      # Set all lights to RGB colour. Pass the colour as a tuple.
set_color(RED)            # Same result but using a pre-set colour.


set_brightness(brightness, duration)     # Sets the brightness of the lights (accepts values between 0-100)
increment_brightness(value)              # Increments the brightness by set amount (can also be negative)
get_brightness()                         # Returns current brightness


Use these if you want to change the HSV values manually, otherwise use set_color() for colour change using RGB.

set_hue(value)            # Sets the hue of the lights (accepts values between 0-360)
increment_hue(value)      # Increments the hue by set amount (can also be negative)
get_hue()                 # Returns current hue


Use these if you want to change the HSV values manually, otherwise use set_color() for colour change using RGB.

set_saturation(value)            # Sets the saturation of the lights (accepts value between 0-100)
increment_saturation(value)      # Increments the saturation by set amount (can also be negative)
get_saturation()                 # Returns current saturation


This is usually used to identify the current lights by flashing them on and off.


Colour Temperature

set_color_temp(value)            # Sets the colour temperature of the lights (accepts between 1200-6500)
increment_color_temp(value)      # Increments the colour temperature by set amount (can also be negative)
get_color_temp()                 # Returns current colour temperature

Colour Mode

Not really sure what this is for, but included it anyway.

get_color_mode()      # Returns current colour mode


get_current_effect()    # Returns either name of current effect if available or *Solid*/*Static*/*Dynamic*.
list_effects()          # Returns a list of names of all available effects.
effect_exists(name)     # Helper method which determines whether the given string exists as an effect.
set_effect(name)        # Sets the current effect.

Write Effect

write_effect(effect_dict)    # Sets a user-created effect.

Writing effects is rather complicated; you need to follow the the exact format for the effect dictionary, which can be found here:

In future updates, I hope to add a way to make this process easier, but for now an example of a valid effect dictionary is provided below:

effect_data = {
            "command": "display",
            "animName": "New animation",
            "animType": "random",
            "colorType": "HSB",
            "animData": None,
            "palette": [
                    "hue": 0,
                    "saturation": 100,
                    "brightness": 100
                    "hue": 120,
                    "saturation": 100,
                    "brightness": 100
                    "hue": 180,
                    "saturation": 100,
                    "brightness": 100
            "brightnessRange": {
                "minValue": 50,
                "maxValue": 100
            "transTime": {
                "minValue": 50,
                "maxValue": 100
            "delayTime": {
                "minValue": 50,
                "maxValue": 100
            "loop": True

Inputting an invalid dictionary will result in the function returning False, and it printing to the console Invalid effect dictionary!.


Creates an event listener for the different types of events.

register_event(function, event_types)

You should pass your own function with one argument (event as a dictionary). This function will run every time a new event is received.

IMPORTANT: You cannot currently call register_event() more than once due to API limitations. Instead, distinguish between the events in your function using the dictionary data.

A list of event types you would like to listen for should also be passed. You can register up to 4 events (all of them), and these are listed below:

Event IDs:

State (changes in power/brightness): 1
Layout: 2
Effects: 3
Touch (canvas only): 4

Example Usage

def event_function(event):

# Register for all events
nl.register_event(event_function, [1, 2, 3, 4])

Example Output

When an event occurs, the event_function() will run and therefore in this case, print the event dictionary.

{"events":[{"attr":2,"value":65}]}                 # Example of state event (1)
{"events":[{"attr":1,"value":"Falling Whites"}]}   # Example of effects event (3)
{"events":[{"panelId":7397,"gesture":0}]}          # Example of touch event (4)